Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Eye Wellness

March is Eye Wellness Month. Before you think this topic does not apply to you, think again. Sight is our most precious sense. A large part of our ability to perceive the world around us depends on it. However, our eyes are very delicate organs and can be damaged easily.
In the Digital Age we don’t realize the impact and risk of digital eye strain as we increase the amount of screen time, through computers, tablet, smartphones, T.V and other devices.  According to “The Vision Council”, extended use of these device have caused many adults to experience some form of digital eyestrains.

Digital Eye Strain is defined as “physical discomfort felt after prolonged exposure to digital screens.”

Symptoms may include dry and irritated eyes, blurred vision, eye fatigue, neck and back pain and headaches.

Steps You Can Take:

  • Visit an eye doctor for a dilated-eye exam to make sure you’re seeing clearly and to detect any potential vision issues.
  • Place your screen 20 to 26 inches away from your eyes and slightly below eye level.
  • Adjust the text size on the screen to a comfortable level.
  • Change your lighting to lower glare and reduce harsh reflections. Glare filters over your computer screen also can help.
  • Remember to blink, it may sound ridiculous, but reminding yourself to regularly close your eyes, helps to keep them getting dried out.
  • It’s  recommends the 20-20-20 break: Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and look at something 20 feet away.